Thursday, February 26, 2009

One day we may...

Nothing to lose...if we are wise

We're not expecting rainbow-colored skies

Not right away


Nothing to lose...It might be fun

No talk of spending lifetimes in the sun

Although we may


Both you and I have seen what time can do

We'll only hurt ourselves if we build dreams that don't come true


What can we lose?!

We know the score

Let's wait before we talk of evermore

One day we may


Nothing to lose



But much to gain if love decides to stay


Nothing to lose...


p.s. An adorable song from "The Party" starring Peter Sellers and this adorable singer, Claudine Longet! The Party is one of my best favourites and haven't seen it in years now and was so happy finding that adorable song! So soothing, isnt it?!


Anonymous said...

يسلام على التفاؤل ياإيبى...أهوه ده الكلام ولابلاش...حمدلله على السلامه
عرفت العنوان بعد تعليقك عند جدو...

ألف سلام

Ma 3lina said...

Love the song..

safa7_karmooz said...

i love that maovie alot

Epitaph1987 said...

تصدق من ساعة ما ضاع الميل والمدونة مش لاقية الميل بتاعك اسلم عليك يا اخي العزيز
كيفك وكيف حال بلاد برة؟
:) الله يسلمك
منور :))

ما علينا
هي جميلة اوي الاغنية فعلا

سفاح كرموز
انا باموت في الفيلم ده
ضحك اخر حاجة