Tuesday, January 4, 2011

On Growing a Year Older...

To 2010,
We shared many moments... I never liked you by the way! But.. you had laughter and tears - too much tears yes- but, we eventually made it! And you could be the year I'm most proud of! Dear..we accomplished a lot...A LOT! Thus, I hereby admit..I'm proud of us! And..I forgive your bitter, sorrowful days..!

To 2011,
Today, I am 24 years old... I seriously do not know what you're gonna be doing to me! I have no clue at all! I am not optmistic.. nor pessimistic..! I just don't feel you, and I dunno why's that! But I will try to receive all with a smile! Just..try to be peaceful and ease it up a bit! I'll try to be up to your best and worst...just slow it down! And I'll live each day as it is..and carpe diem.. will try...deal? :)

p.s. Despite all..I know what I'll get myself as a present :)) - for the first time, I'll get myself a birthday gift! A New Resolution for this Year ..!


Maram said...

Happy Birthday, little late I know. I hope u have an amazing future.

Epitaph1987 said...

Thank you, dear
never too late :)
very thoughtful of you..:)

Aya said...

بقالك كتير مختفية
يمكن أول مرة أعملك "كومنت" رغم اني بعدي من هنا من فترة

صباحك منور وفراشاتك ملونة
وكل سنينك أحلى وأحلى
وتستاهلي بوسة كبيرة