Friday, March 16, 2007

What do you call that One?!

You're the One who calls in the early morning, and like a child, I jump in joy.
You're the One whom I feel like a little kid with.
You're the One who saw my tears.
You're the One who make me hanging in your own circuit, with little hope.
You're the One who created every good memory for me to live with.
You're the One whom I see as my Saint.
You're the One who is never to blame.
You're the One who left me with tearful eyes for many nights
You're the One whom I forgave once I heard your voice.
You're the One who shared many moments in my life, if not all.
You're the One whose tone of voice makes much difference for me.
You're the One whom I could not get loose of.
You're the One whom I cross my hands every night, praying for your happiness.
You're the One who I feel blessed to know.
You're the One who I fully depend on.
You're the One whose call just makes me smile
You're the One to whom I can childishly say "I missed you"
You're the One whom I once thought I can hate.

You're the One who I wished for another chance to be close to.

You're the One who I wished for a new chance to forget.
You're the One whom I am grateful for.
You're the One who I will always remember with a big shiny smile on my face.
You're the One who was always there when I needed help.
You're the One whom I can call and find relief.
You're the One whom I don't know how you feel.
You're the One who I am not sure if you know how I feel.
You're the One who won't read those words.
You're the One who leaves me with dozens of questions.

You're the One whose absence is the sunset of my days.

You're the One who always had a unique way of making me happy.

You're the One who can lift me up high to the sky with a sole word.

You're the One who can leave me shattered if you're sad.

You're the One who once heard me singing.

You're the One who made the best surprise I'll ever have on my birthday.

You're the One who's my deep well that springs strength.

You're the One who after I hang up the phone, I sigh and smile.

You're the One whose name first crosses my mind when I feel happy or sad.

You're the One who will give the last strike.

You're the One whom I defended before all.

You're the One whom I will wait for.

You're the One who I wish will be gone.



Long ago.... I've locked my heart for fear to be hurt; the key to my heart lies at the bed of the river; it needs some real diver to fetch it, to struggle the waves of my flactuating personality, to stand up for the whirlpool of life!



..That will be a One indeed!