The Things 'am dying for in the very short coming days, weeks, or ..Ok.. Months!!:
1- To Know (I'd pay my life for a glimpse at a crystal ball!)
2- To Decide (and to trust my judgement, senses, and mind!)
3- To have Fayrouz's new album (I want her kind of HOPE!).
4- 2010 to freaking end (if possible, make it end NOW!).
5- To have a clear vision (I wanna SEE!)
6- To dare and learn driving b2a (It's SCARY! It's still SCARY!)
7- To study HARDER (Clock is counting!!).
8- To be on good terms with the few things that did hurt me before (Like Ali El 7aggar!).
9- To fully regain Belief (Magic will still exist!).
10- To be ME (and accept it).
(Pleaaaaaaaaase, Can I have those soon b2a?!)